expert in residence #8

Book in your one-on-one chat with Dan Goronszy today!

Are you interested in working with other artists? Whether it be in a group exhibition, as a collective or on a shared project, creating with others can be the most inspiring process. Dan is here to chat all things collaboration!

30 July 10:00am - 4.00pm

Where do you start when you want to make work in collaboration? How do you start new creative relationships with other makers and creators? How do you talk about your own creative practise with other creatives? If these are questions you are pondering, then you should book a chat with Dan.

Dan creates unusual arts experiences that provoke wonder and conversation about humanity and the world. She is a multi-disciplinary artist and collaborator drawing on participatory installation, puppetry, design and physical theatre. Dan works with governments, festivals, schools and community organizations throughout Australia and the world to share arts experiences in a variety of settings.


book in your chat today!

The aerie experts in residence will see industry professionals available for a one on one conversations about your creative practice. There will be a different expert once a month throughout the 2021-22 financial year. You can book a twenty minute conversation during each residency, but be quick as bookings are taken on a first in basis.

The 2021-22 program will focus on three aspects:

  • The Curatorial Process
  • Art and Money
  • Creative Collaborations